Around the globe, we are witnessing an unprecedented surge in youth engagement and a compelling demand for change. A study by Edelman reveals that 70% of surveyed Gen Z youth are actively involved in social or political causes. This generation is vocal and proactive, using their digital fluency to access information, share ideas, and mobilise efforts online, pushing for urgent and transformative action from world leaders.
Despite varying perspectives, the critical challenges facing our planet are undeniable. We confront a Triple Planetary Crisis encompassing climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, alongside pressing societal issues like widespread poverty and conflict. The urgency is real—today's youth will inherit the consequences of our current actions if immediate change is not achieved.
Be The Change (BTC) was conceived to empower young individuals, enabling them to become dynamic changemakers within their schools and communities. Inspired by the ideals of the United World College (UWC) movement and spearheaded by UWCSEA alumni and former teacher Alice Whitehead, BTC equips young people with the skills, qualities, and agency to drive positive change in a rapidly evolving world.
BTC emphasises partnership and reciprocity, countering common misconceptions in school-based community engagement, such as saviorism. Its 'Best Practice Service' guidelines aim to minimise harm and promote informed, aware action.
Originally launched in early 2020 and first enhanced in 2022, BTC is now introducing its third iteration, BTC v3.0, set for release in August 2024. This latest version has been refined through student and teacher feedback, ensuring it remains relevant and impactful in guiding youth toward meaningful and sustainable contributions to their communities and beyond.
New Teaching Videos: When surveying our students we discovered that some expressed a desire to be able to connect more deeply with the Be The Change presenters in the videos. As a result, we’ve re-filmed these videos featuring two young, diverse and inspiring changemakers! We’re excited to introduce you and your students to Manuel Bergmann and Alicia Nur Annisa. Both are passionate about sustainability and have taken an active role in becoming part of the solution, supporting and then founding impact driven organisations focused on positive environmental and social change.

Learner Engagement: We’re always looking for ways to increase learner engagement. This update will contain the addition of ‘badges’ which will help students to track their journey to mastery and completion of the Be The Change lessons. In addition, students will receive encouraging emails as they complete components of the Course. We’ll also be adding more interactivity and dynamic learning activities.

Personalised Learning Pathways: Our partner schools use Be The Change in different ways;
• Teacher facilitated delivery in classroom settings, during curriculum time.
• Self-paced independent learning outside the classroom; term time or summer program.
For the students that take Be The Change more independently, we’ll be offering a version that has set release conditions for program content, allowing students to work their way through and unlock new lessons on successful completion of end-of-lesson quizzes.

Universal Design for Learning: In order to cater for different learning styles and offer additional ways for students to engage with Be The Change, the new version of the program will have audio bites in the lessons, so students can listen to the material as well as or instead of reading it. The Be The Change teaching videos will also be subtitled.

General Content Review and Update: Life evolves rapidly on Earth! To keep pace, 'Be The Change' content in BTC v3.0 will have been thoroughly reviewed and updated to ensure it features the most current and relevant examples and visuals.
Be The Change offers a current and inspiring framework for school service and global citizenship programs. We’re excited to share BTC 3.0 with you and your students! If you are not already partnered with us we warmly invite you to reach out and discover more about how BTC can support your students and community.

Orenda Learning is an impact driven organisation that supports active citizenship through the delivery of best practice service programs. Our Strategic Intent is to equip young people with crucial knowledge, skills, qualities and the agency to affect positive global transformation in our rapidly changing and complex world.
Cooper, J. (2021, December 20). Unleashing the power of gen Z. Edelman.