
Have you ever heard of a tree that is made of chainsaws? Quite ironic, isn’t it? Well, such a thing actually exists in Cambodia! Deforestation has been a major global environmental issue for several decades, negatively affecting not only nature, but us humans as well. According to, an estimated 6.7 million acres of forest

Liger Leadership Academy’s Chainsaw Tree Project Read More »

Orenda Learning is an impact driven social enterprise that guides young people, educators and community in best practice service. We dream of ‘a flourishing global community built on foundation of love; where deep connection, compassionate action and sustainable living are grounded in everyday life’. Orenda Learning was founded in 2018 by Alice Whitehead, an educator

Our Story Read More »

Service Programs — Transformative or Detrimental? Service is an integral part of the learning journey of many students globally, with a large number of schools including service learning as part of their curriculum. When facilitated well, service programs can be transformative for students and their communities, leading to deep learning and positive change. When implemented

HER Journey: A best practice service project by students at United World College of South East Asia Read More »

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